If you don't have a credit card or don't wish to incur credit card debt, you can still pay using the shopping cart button above. Once you're at the billing service, use the pay by echeck option with our Paypal™ transaction provider.
An eCheck is an electronic funds transfer that withdraws money directly from your bank account. It's just like writing a check, only it is done electronically. When you send money with an eCheck, the transaction will be held as pending for 3-4 business days, until the electronic funds transfer has cleared your bank
Q. How does an eCheck work?
A. It's the equivalent of a check except it's done electronically. Here's How to do it.
Use the standard shopping cart button to make your purchase. Select the printsyou wish to purchase and click the check out button. This will bring you to our transaction provider Paypal™. Select the Send Money tab and just select eCheck as your Funding Source.
1. Click on the Send Money tab
2. Verify the howie@howardrosenfeld.com email address, the correct amount , the correct US currency, the payment type, and an optional subject and note are present.
3. Click Continue
4. Click the Funding Options link under the 'Source of Funds' heading
6. Choose the Instant Transfer radio button
6. Click Continue
7. Review the information on the confirmation page and click Send Money to complete your transaction
(Use Your Browser Back Arrow Key to select and order now)
Q. I really can't figure out this eCheck stuff. Can I just send a regular check?
A. You can send a snail mail letter with your order and we will your prints when the check clears.
Use the following information and format to send your mail:
Send check or money order and form below to:
Friday Harbor Art Studio
321 Geneste St.
Friday Harbor, WA. 98250
Name: _______________________________________
Address: _____________________________________
City: __________________ State: _____Zip_________
Shipping Address ( If different from above)
City: __________________ State: _____Zip_________
Name of Piece Desired:______________________ Price:_____
Name of Piece Desired:______________________ Price:_____
Name of Piece Desired:______________________ Price:_____
Name of Piece Desired:______________________ Price:_____
Total Cost: ____________________
( Cost includes Shipping in Cont. U.S.A. and Canada only )
Be Sure To Include Your Signed Check.